Guest Contributor: Michael Kucyk

by rchrdk

EmptySleeve relies heavily on guest contributions. Possibly a bit more than it should, but let’s be honest – I don’t get out much in my home town, let alone across the globe. Which is why EmptySleeve owes a huge debt of gratitude to the explorers who take time and effort to document their vinyl excavations for the site.

Michael Kucyk is one such explorer. He is a man of many names and many ventures,  all of them joined by a love of strange and beautiful music and the desire to seek it and share it. Michael’s weekly radio program Noise In My Head features  amazing selections from his own ever-growing music library and a deep archive of mixes contributed by heads both known and unknown.

Michael recently spent some time in Montreal and has compiled this excellent guide to the city’s second-hand record stores. It’s an essential resource for anyone heading to the island – and if you’ve never thought about Canada as a record shopping destination, this piece just might change your mind.

Big thanks to Michael – he really went beyond the call of duty on this one.